Week 8 in Ariel’s Book- Networking tips

This is a very timely chapter with so many music festivals coming up. If you have followed this so far you will probably know that networking isn’t my strong suit. However , I really like the ideas presented here. I also, like not having to SELL but, being of service to others and building more of a community. Today there is an art event that I like to go to called First Fridays here in Arizona. It happens , well on the first friday of the month.  It involves all the galleries in Scottsdale and all sorts artisans presenting their work. It really is one of my favorite thing about this area. The  esteem in which this town holds art.

Back home in Arizona I have a lots of friends who are photographers, designers, artists. But, here I don’t know any. It has made creating the visual part of my album very difficult. Case in point is my video. Because, of funds (or lack of funds) I have attempted to shoot a video myself. It has been very tricky and I have not been able to make a video with the emotions that I want to convey. I consider fashion and lighting, videos, and art all apart of fleshing out these emotions.   The truth is I need more collaborators here in Arizona. Although, I may or may not be staying here I think it is always nice to meet other creative people. These tips will certainly prove helpful.

3 Responses to “Week 8 in Ariel’s Book- Networking tips”

  1. Tainted Trixter Says:

    I would think, Ms. Rain, that finding artists who wish to aid you on your journey would not be an overly difficult task. Your subject matter is relateable, energetic, and emotioal. Your bent but unbroken fairytale I should think would provide ample inspiration. And for some artistic colaboration, those whom you work with don’t need to be in the same area as you. As you build a fan-base I’m sure you will find many willing to give their time, even from afar. Though it may mean all the more company of wolves, what harm is there in that. Just a thought.

    Though I would be glad to offer my art in aid. I do not think that my work flows with yours, as pleasing as your music may be to my ears.

    For my part, I was introduced to your music through Jango and have become quite fond of it. I am certain that there will be much more music to come, and there will be many willing and wanton to listen. You may not return to the ocean, but I think the rest of us are the better for it.


    • Rain Rain Music Says:

      My trouble is the thoughts in my head are always really ambitious and I have to keep scaling it down! It is very true about working with collaborators from afar! But, I have found it easier when you have a group of people you work with. Where you are hanging around and can inspire eachother! It gets harder (for me at least) to work on visual aspects from distances. Music is different. I have collaborated easily on music with people this way. I think it has to do with music software.
      Anyway, thanks so much for the kind words! I am truly grateful and I am so happy that you are enjoying my music. Feel free to send me links to your work. Even if it doesn’t flow with my music I still appreciate all kinds of art!

  2. Carla Lynne Hall Says:

    Hi there!

    You make a great point about selling vs being of service! In my humble opinion, the best salespeople are the ones who understand that they are also being of service.

    We make music to touch people, and to heal. Knowing that is what enables me to share my music with others. I wish you the best on your journey!

    Carla (Ariel’s CyberPR team)

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