Week 5 Blogs

When I first approached this chapter a couple of weeks back. I have to admit I was really overwhelmed by trying to do everything all at once. There is a reason Ariel calls it “Music Success in 9 weeks”. Now that my album is out I feel a little less pressure. So, I reproached this chapter. To my surprise this is the most entertaining and fun chapter so far. I was thinking  about how much work it was going to be for me to keep up with 50 blogs. But, I kind of forgot that these blogs are about things that I find interesting. New music, gadgets, synths, philosophies about music, what is not to love?

It was time-consuming to find the 5o blogs. I got most of them through Hypem. But, once I had a list it was a lot more enjoyable. So, I found a way of working on this task. I am going to read 10-20 blogs a day. However many it takes for me to find 5 that I find have an interesting topic for me to comment on. Then through track backs I will check back on whatever I had commented 2 days before.

Through this process I am finding some great music and interesting points of view. I actually look forward to doing this everyday!

2 Responses to “Week 5 Blogs”

  1. Christopher Gesualdi Says:

    Don’t feel overwhelmed by a 9 week time crunch. This book could also be titled “Music Success in 9 Steps.” If you are completely new to a particular topic in the book, give it ample time. Don’t half-ass something just for the sake of moving on.

    Good to see that you are hard at work in the blog world; it is essential to music success nowadays.

    • Rain Rain Music Says:

      Thanks for the encouragement . I actually, have been continuing to work on this chapter as I have gone along in the book. As of yet I have one blog mention (I didn’t even ask for it). I am still working on building relationships.

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