Archive for July, 2009

My Poor Neglected Blog

July 31, 2009

Hello little blog. I haven’t gotten off to such a great start with you. It has been a while since I have spoken to you. But, you have definitely been in my thoughts. It is weird I am looking back at my last blog entry and how enthusiastic I was about finishing my album. Well, all that has changed. Although, I am still enthusiastic about it,  listening back to everything I realized that I was not happy with the way that things are going with the mixing. I have worked on this project for over a year now and it has definitely become my baby (or spawn of satan …one or the other;)

Part of the problem has been my inexperience with the whole production process. I have been teaching myself along the way and I have learned sooooo much. But, some of the stuff that I recorded (particularly in the earlier stages) wasn’t optimal. I am however, really proud that I have been able to take it this far. This imperfect production has made mixing a chore. Especially, when I feel that the mixing has  taken  a direction that I hadn’t intended. I want to be back to where I was when I was recording and I was really loving what was coming out.  I  want to get back to all of that inspiration.

So, I came up with what I think is a good idea. I am going to take a few weeks off to do a bit of soul searching. I have decided to do at least one thing a week (or more) that truly insipres me. Perhaps, I won’t have to do anything. Perhaps, it might come to me randomly. Maybe, i’ll take  a few pictures or videos to document. Either way I am going to tell you all about it,  my little blog. Then I will come back to my album fresh and shiny new! And I am going to try and not neglect you in the future! Thank-you for being understanding sweet babushka!

Geeked out on “thesixtyone”

July 8, 2009

Acorns everyone!

I am just about finished with this album  and I am soooo excited ! The album is called The Deadliest Fairytales. I am trying ever so diligently to finish it. I have been working on it for a year now. It’s been a very hermetic yet fantastical experience! Right now I am in the process of mixing. I wrote, performed and recorded it on my own but, I am mixing it with Craig Lawrence of the Narcolepts. I have about 3.2 songs to go. Today I was working on my christmas song. Very strange working on a Christmas song in Arizona it the middle of summer (when it’s over 105 degrees outside). This song is  probably going to stick out like a sore thumb on this album. But, I don’t care. I kind of wanted this album to sound like a good playlist.  I hope everyone agrees and loves it as much as I do.

So, I am supposed to be working on many things to finish this album but, I keep getting distracted by  “thesixtyone” site . If you have never heard of it it is an entirely addicting website. They call it a musical adventure. It’s definitely music geeked out to the extreme. Right up my alley!  If you haven’t checked it out definitely do so. Tell them rainismoi referred you, so I get reputation points (smiles sheepishly). I am going to be posting some tracks on thesixtyone when I get done mixing and mastering.  Ok, this is just my introductory Blog (and maybe not so interesting). I  really do I have a lot of ideas and a few tricks up my sleeve. I hope to make this an interesting journey together!

Hello World!

July 2, 2009

Welcome to Rain Rain’s music blog!

Rain Rain's Album "The Deadliest Fairy Tales"

Rain Rain's Album "The Deadliest Fairy Tales"

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